Saturday, December 03, 2011

Christmas Festival

Teacher's crew

Kristan Venezia

The Christmas festival at the Elementary School Club de Leones No. 4-1 became a huge success! Quite fun, excellent musical presentations, choreographies, outfits full of color and delicious food!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Almost Christmas!

Almost Christmas!!!

And of course we are getting ready for the Christmas crafts, trees, gifts and the CHRISTMAS MUSICAL PRESENTATION!, Christmas parade & kermes!

At Club de Leones N.4-1, On December 3rd

at 8:00 am :)


Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Celebration!

We had so much fun! The event was a total success! Great costumes & music!!

Friday, August 26, 2011

English Material!

English Class Material

English Material J

Teacher: Ramón Ángel Morales Villaseñor

School: Club de Leones N0.4-1

Ö 1 cuaderno grande exclusivo para la materia

Ö 1 folder tamaño oficio

Ö 1 bolsa grande ziploc con nombre

Ö 5 hojas de color (cualquier color)

Ö 5 hojas blancas

Ö Colores de lápiz

Ö Tijeras

Ö Resistol

Ö 2 foami (cualquier color)


Ö Todo el material deberá tener una etiqueta con el nombre completo del alumno/a y grado.

Ö Los niños/as recibirán el libro de Inglés el cual será gratuito.

Ö Favor de forrar el libro.

Ö Los alumnos/as del grupo 1 A forrarán su material (cuaderno, folder y libro) de color rojo. Los alumnos del grupo 1 B forrarán su material de color naranja.

Ö Los alumnos/as del grupo 2 A forrarán su material (cuaderno, folder y libro) de color amarillo. Los alumnos del grupo 2 B forrarán su material de color verde.

Ö Los alumnos/as del grupo 3 A forrarán su material (cuaderno, folder y libro) de color azul. Los alumnos del grupo 3 B forrarán su material de color morado.

Ö Los alumnos/as del grupo 4 A forrarán su material (cuaderno, folder y libro) de color plateado. Los alumnos del grupo 4 B forrarán su material de color dorado.

Ö Libros, folders y cuadernos se pueden decorar con calcomanías

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

English Diploma: Sample

Finally designed!!

English Diploma: Sample :)!


Day: Wednesday 15th June 2011
Time: 7:00 Am
Place: Elementary school 'Club de Leones No.4'

English Course End of Year Ceremony: Invitation for Students to color and decorate!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Easter Eggs!

Students started painting their Easter eggs and decorating their lovely Easter baskets! They had a good time!

Alejandro and his cute pink candy bunny

Adrián Daniel José

Karla and Karen are having fun!

Jason is painting

Edely Cecilia

Yuritzy and her purple eggs

Paulette painting eggs


cute baskets!

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!!

Bulleting board :)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Pet's exhibition day

This week we will celebrate ‘The day of the child’ with very cool activities for the kids to enjoy and have fun during this week!, one of these activities is ‘Pet’s exhibition’ which was pretty awesome!, children brought their pets, we assigned a number of each of them, each group of the school visited the exhibition and voted for their favorite one! We will have three winners!


1st graders!

Valeria, Yiselle and Lupita

Jesús and the birds
Gabriel, Manuel and Eduardo

Looking at the birds!

Edely, Samantha and Arleth
Tania, Marianita, Paulette and Yuritzy

Saúl and Joshua


Arleth loved the bunnies


2nd graders!
Valeria, Andrea and Kristian



Ángel having fun!

Ángel Said and his big black bunny

Alexia and her colorful fish


Yuliana, Dianela, Penelope and Patricia

Frank :)

Yuliana and the fishes!


Shelcy and Anhely

Miguel, Esteban and Roberto

Julián and the huge bunny

Brayan and the funny parrot

Wendy and Cinthya

Anya and her turtles Amelia and Gregorio

Anya and Edith

Paulina, Marian and Rosita

Eric is looking around

Ana with her lovely turtle

Fifth graders!

Osvaldo with the bunnies

Arnoldo and his rooster!

Maria José and the bunnies



Lluvia and Karina
Aarón and Sebastián Alineación al centro

Julio César




5 B girls looking the fishes!